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  • My game just hit 50 downloads! :)

    Hey all! I don't know if this is the right place to share this but I'm so excited and I just wanted to tell someone.

    I got into programming a couple of months ago and just for fun I decided to practice my coding skills to make a simple little game - nothing too fancy. I uploaded it to the Google Play Store about a week ago. It's not a huge milestone to be proud of but I just hit 50 downloads today AHHHHHHH!!!

    EDIT: Here's the game if anyone's interested

  • Different sizes on different devices

    Hi all! I hope you're having a good day.

    I recently made and published a small game on the Google Play Store, but I found that it appears different on different devices. I've tried to debug and find out what's causing the problem and I've narrowed it down to different devices having different pixel densities, since I hardcoded values for the sizes of all my objects. I tried dividing these hardcoded values with displayDensity but the objects are still far too large. How can I go about standardising the appearance across devices?

    Also, to avoid this inter-device incompatibility in the future, how should I be structuring my code instead?

    Thank you all!

  • Google Play Add Icon Daydream in Manifest

    Google play told me that I have to add an icon daydream into my manifest? How can I do it?

  • The cannot be resolved

    Yesterday I tried to reinstall processing because I suppose that makes it could help me to solve the problem, but obviously nothing changes.

    I really don't know how to do.

    I changed the manifest with the value that you say, but the problem persists. Processing doesn't find the library, but google play service was correctly installed by AS, so I have no idea where is the problem.

    No library found for No library found for No library found for

    and many other lines of errors

  • The cannot be resolved


    yes, it is deprecated, i know, but till recent days it worked... Anyway if google play service is installed as you can see with AS, that is ok (except that it means that your processing install is not good!)

    Have you changed the line 12 (the value to put there is not "46" but probably something like 800005) - + i see that your name tag is not ok (it must be:

    put your imports statements

  • The cannot be resolved

    I'm really confused.

    I launched sdk manager clicking on "android", but the bash says me that "the android command is deprecated" and I have to use Android studio.

    If I go in Android Studio, sdk manager works fine and say me that the google play service version is 46, but the sdk manager doesn't appear if I go in processing and the "import*" can't be resolved.

  • The cannot be resolved

    I saw your answer, but I actually don't solve the problem. Can you help me directly?

    I tried to put play service . jar file, that I found on github, in the code folder of my sketch. It works fine except that processing can't solve "import;" and when I try to start the sketch it's crash (First I commented the unsolved line).

    I can't see "android sdk manager" and I think it depends on the fact that I have downloaded the sdk by Android Studio and located manually.

    I have also downloaded google play services by Android Studio, but it not works

    I also added permission in the AndroidManifest

  • I can't export package. Processing told me: the sketch does not include all required app.icons

    Thaks Kfrajer. Y consulted the link, but I dont understando what do you advice me. Do hay have to replace the example in my manifiest? I want to upload it to the Google Play Developer Console

  • modifying wallpaper parameters

    I think that the possibility to create live wallpapers for android through processing is very fashinating. However once you create the wallpaper you can only set it in the background of your phone through the live wallpaper selector of your mobile, and you can't change any parameter and you can't see the icon in the menu.

    Many live wallpapers on the google play store are structured in such a way that you firstly download it as a normal app, secondly, you can see the icon, and by tapping on it you can change the several parameters of the live wallpaper. Finally, usually in this screen there is a button that opens the live wallpaper selector of the mobile, with the preview of the live wallpaper in question yet open(so that you just need to click "apply").

    Is there a way to achieve these features through processing?


  • How can I earn money with processing? Where should I search?

    If you are trying to sell software applications, Processing(Java) has serious limitations -- including that it isn't designed to be distributed through app stores, it doesn't really have a security model to keep people from just copying it and not paying, and it is cross-desktop but doesn't cross-compile to mobile (which is a huge market for apps). Some people do sell Processing Android mode apps in e.g. Google Play store, but in general they need to have two versions of their code if they also want a desktop version.

    Some people make money with Processing by using it for work -- e.g. creating art installations or VJ-ing, or using it in teaching. It is a great way to quickly deploy cross-platform sketches. Some people also create in-house Processing apps for teams as part of their software development or research job -- not commercial software, but quick cross-platform utilities with interfaces.

  • Mooze - Simple android game made with processing

    Hi everyone!

    I'd like to share with you a game I created with processing as an assignment for an online processing course. It's called Mooze, and is now available in the google play store for free:

    Here are a few screenshots from the game:

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    And a description (from google play):

    Try to hit a ball using springs in an infinite world where gravity gets stronger over time. This insanely addictive arcade game will have you and your friends fighting for the best score! How high can you get?

    Features: - Beautiful, minimalistic graphics - Infinite gameplay - Increasing difficulty over time - Highscores are saved - Simple sounds (can be turned off)

    How to play: - Drag down and release the white springs (lines) (protip: drag them down as far as you can) - The lower the springs are dragged the harder they will hit the ball - Tilt the device to slightly move the ball left and right (this is subtle but it helps wonders) - To pause, touch the score counter at the top left of the screen or hit the back button - In the pause menu you can also turn the sound on and off

  • Processing Live Wallpapers

    I want to create a live wallpaper using processing that I can publish to the Google Play Store. The problem that I'm having is that if the user sets the live wallpaper then changes their screen resolution in the settings or turns on power saving mode, the images used in the live wallpaper change size, they either get dramatically bigger or smaller. I can't use displayDensity or anything because it looks like once the wallpaper is set, it just uses the same numbers over and over. The user actually has to set the wallpaper again in the settings to actually change the numbers of displayDensity to the current ones.

  • What are the exact steps to add AdMob to my app?

    After doing this processing finally recognizes the imports:

    These were the steps: 1. Download and unzip this:

    1. Open Google Play Services and copy 'libproject' folder

    2. Go to your sdk folder and follow this path: android\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services

    3. Paste libproject there

    4. Go to libproject\google-play-services_lib\libs

    5. Copy google-play-services.jar --- this is the jar that the sketch will use

    6. Paste jar in CODE folder in sketch. That's it!

    However I now when I try to run the code I get this error:

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

    I also tried getting using r28 (not just copying libproject but replacing the whole google_play_services folder) and I still get this error.

  • What are the exact steps to add AdMob to my app?


    I opened tools/bin with powershell and used '.\sdkmanager --list' and I can confirm that I did NOT have Google Play Services installed. I then installed it using powershell and now I have these packages installed:

    Installed packages:=====================] 100% Computing updates...
      Path                               | Version | Description                        | Location
      -------                            | ------- | -------                            | -------
      build-tools;26.0.3                 | 26.0.3  | Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.3     | build-tools\26.0.3\
      extras;android;m2repository        | 47.0.0  | Android Support Repository, rev 47 | extras\android\m2repository\
      extras;google;google_play_services | 46      | Google Play services               | extras\google\google_play_services\
      extras;google;m2repository         | 58.0.0  | Google Repository, rev 58          | extras\google\m2repository\
      extras;google;usb_driver           | 11.0.0  | google usb_driver, rev 11          | extras\google\usb_driver\
      patcher;v4                         | 1       | SDK Patch Applier v4               | patcher\v4\
      platform-tools                     | 27.0.0  | Android SDK Platform-Tools 27      | platform-tools\
      platforms;android-26               | 2       | Android SDK Platform 26, rev 2     | platforms\android-26\
      tools                              | 26.1.1  | Android SDK Tools 26.1.1           | tools\

    However AdMob STILL DOES NOT WORK.

    I tried a few different gms versions in the manifest with no success. The imports are still not recognized. Do I need to install another package?

  • What are the exact steps to add AdMob to my app?


    There is a folder named 'google' in my SDK's extras folder. There are multiple folders inside folders but among all the folders inside the 'google' folder there is one named 'gms' and inside there are many folders called 'play-services', 'play-services-ads', 'play-services-all-wear', etc, so presume google play services is installed.

    Can you recommend me a new SDK please?

  • What are the exact steps to add AdMob to my app?


    try to put "@integer/google_play_services_version" instead of any number

    • normally (i am not sure if it is still ok) the exact integer value is here= google-play-services_lib>res>values>version.xml and you can use this; yet, harcoding is bad as this value can change in the future.

    • looking to your xml i think that the actual value (last updated) is : "20170........."; try this value.

  • Launcher Icons for application

    I am trying to upload a couple of apps to the Google Play Store but I don't understand exactly how to create my app's icons. This is stated in Processing's Android App Distribution Tutorial: "Android mode uses a set of default launcher icons for the app. You should use your own icons for release by creating the files icon-36, 48, 72, 96, 144, and 192 in .PNG format, and placing them in the sketch's folder before exporting the signed package. Follow the icon design guidelines from Google in order to create your icons."

    36, 48, 72, 96 and 144 what? What is this size?

    Also, where do I put them in the sketch folder? In the DATA folder?

    Thanks in advance!

  • What are the exact steps to add AdMob to my app?

    Hello all!

    I am new to coding, been only doing it daily for a month or two, and I just finished my first game for android. I would like to add it to the Google Play Store with AdMob. I have registered for AdMob, and now I need to incorporate the ads to my code, however, I have no idea how to do that.

    I already saw and I read through all of it twice, but am still completely at a loss. The topic is really messy and riddled with trials and errors, and has code and symbols that I have never used nor understood at all, making its contents practically unreadable for someone with as little coding experience as me. What is a manifest? What's a .jar file, why do I need it and where do I get it?

    I put so much effort into my game and I am so eager to see it in the store, but I just can't get past this final step.

    If some kind soul could give me and, likely, the thousands of other newcomers looking for an answer, a step-by-step walkthrough of exactly what I need to download, where I need to download it, and provide an organized snippet of code that I can adapt for my program, words can't describe how grateful I would be.

    Thank you all in advance!

  • Google Play Services in Processing

    Hey guys,

    After hours and hours of trying to import the "google play services" library I now honestly require your assistance.

    Initially i just wanted to add ads to my sketch and therefore download the "Google Mobile Ads SDK". Sadly the SDK is now part of the "Google play services platform". I think I tried every suggesteion I could find. The last thing I did was to convert the .aar at


    to a zip file to extract the classes.jar file and placed this file in the processing library folder.

    Importing "" just wont work.

    Edit: more hours have passed and i got a little bit further, yet though the problem just seems bigger. import does work by now since i have extracted the .jar file for play-services-ads-lite but calling MobileAds.initialize(this, "YOUR_ADMOB_APP_ID") gives me this error:


    I already tried MultiDex.install(this) in my sketch but it does not work. Any suggestions?

  • Implementing ads with AdMob

    So I recently uploaded my app to the play store and i wanted to implement ads, so I looked up this tutorial and It said I needed the AdMob library, so I went looking for it on the AdMob sites where they say I can get it with the google play service SDK which is great since I can download it with processing

    I use the code that is used in the forum post which is this one:

    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.view.Gravity;
    import android.view.Window;
    import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
    @ Override
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Window window = getWindow();
        RelativeLayout adsLayout = new RelativeLayout(this);
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp2 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
        // Displays Ads at the bottom of your sketch, use Gravity.TOP to display them at the top
        AdView adView = new AdView(this, AdSize.BANNER, "your-publisher-id");  // add your app-id
        AdRequest newAdReq = new AdRequest();
        // Remark: uncomment next line for testing your Ads (fake ads)

    but now the problem is that I got an error that says this: The import cannot be resolved

    and the console says this:

    1. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 9)
    The import is never used
    2. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 11)
    The import is never used
    3. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 13)
    The import is never used
    4. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 14)
        import android.content.DialogInterface;
    The import android.content.DialogInterface is never used
    5. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 15)
        import android.Manifest;
    The import android.Manifest is never used
    6. WARNING in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 49)
        int check;
    The value of the local variable check is not used
    7. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 13)
    The import cannot be resolved
    8. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 14)
    The import cannot be resolved
    9. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 15)
    The import cannot be resolved
    10. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 16)
    The import cannot be resolved
    11. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 17)
    The import cannot be resolved
    12. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 60)
        AdView adView = new AdView(this.getActivity());
    AdView cannot be resolved to a type
    13. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 60)
        AdView adView = new AdView(this.getActivity());
    AdView cannot be resolved to a type
    14. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 61)
    AdSize cannot be resolved to a variable
    15. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 64)
        AdRequest newAdReq = new AdRequest.Builder()
    AdRequest cannot be resolved to a type
    16. ERROR in C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\src\processing\test\sketch_170817a\ (at line 64)
        AdRequest newAdReq = new AdRequest.Builder()
    AdRequest cannot be resolved to a type
    16 problems (10 errors, 6 warnings)
    C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\build.xml:15: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\Users\sjors\AppData\Local\Temp\android7328373206848409503sketch\build.xml:28: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    What did I do wrong I installed the google play service SDK through the default SDK manager.